duminică, 22 martie 2015

Din seria articolelor “100% NATURAL, Pentru Frumusetea Ta”, m-am indreptat in mod special spre aceasta planta, intrucat am vazut cu ochii mei efectele extraordinare,  pentru care pe drept cuvant  este considerata un adevarat miracol.
O utilizez de multa vreme, insa acum o pretuiesc inzecit, pentru ca a fost singurul “leac” cu care am obtinut o regenerare senzationala ( in numai o saptamana) pe un tesut “ars” in urma unei grave dermatite alergice.  Medical, recuperarea fusese estimata la 30 zile, cu tratament medicamentos adecvat.
Am intervenit insa cu aplicatii intensive de pulpa proaspata de aloe, dealtfel singurul lucru pe care il suporta pielea “cruda” in acel moment ( fiind interzise: apa, cremele de orice natura, sau orice alta substanta … pe care oricum pielea nu ar fi tolerat-o)
Nu numai ca s-a dovedit extrem de benefica – lucru la care ma asteptam, dar am vazut cum poate face minuni care depasesc de departe  clasicele  tratamente medicale.
Va recomand si voua, cu toata increderea, utilizarea permanenta a plantei  in intretinere si tratamente ( interne si externe) intrucat vindeca miraculos si mentine organismul  intr-o stare fiziologica sanatoasa.
Din acel moment  am hotarat sa-mi achitionez  cateva zeci de plante, de frica ca nu cumva sa raman fara “vraciul” meu…. Si nu numai atat,  cabinetul cosmetic este plin de ghivece cu aloe vera – chiar face minuni!  Sedintele de ionizare/ ultrasunete cu pulpa proaspata de aloe sunt senzationale.
Obs. Planta cultivata in ghiveci trebuie sa ajunga la maturitatea minima de 3 ani pentru a putea fi utilizata in scopuri terapeutice. Se mai spune ca planta trebuie sa stea minim 8 luni pe an in plin soare.
Cu intentia de a va prezenta efectele terapeutice  ale  plantei am realizat ca ar trebui sa scriu cateva zeci de pagini, asa ca am ales sa va amintesc doar o parte dintre cele mai remarcabile utilizari, in special cele dedicate domeniului estetic:
Planta contine agenti antiseptici si analgezici care au capacitatea de a strabate toate cele sapte straturi ale pielii. Este un antiinflamator natural care contine vitaminele A, B1, B2, B6, minerale, microelemente, acizi grasi esentiali si enzime necesare organismului, intr-o forma usor asimilabila, precum si o mare cantitate de aminoacizi.
Sucul proaspat are actiune bactericida. Extern, vindeca ranile infectate, arsurile si ulceratiile. Taiati o frunza proaspata de aloe si puneti-o pe locul dureros. In citeva minute, durerea va disparea. O bucatica dintr-o frunza de aloe calmeaza durerile de dinti si inlatura inflamatiile gingiilor. In caz de conjunctivita, sucul de aloe se foloseste sub forma de picaturi.
Accelereaza vindecarea prin stimularea regenerarii tesuturilor, atat la nivel extern cat si intern.
Sucul de Aloe stimuleaza procesele de regenerare in sistemul nervos (fiind util in programele geriatrice de recuperare postoperatorie sau dupa accidente vasculare cerebrale), scade nivelul de colesterol in singe, normalizeaza tensiunea arteriala, stimuleaza activitatea glandelor endocrine, stimuleaza functia renala.
Este foarte renumit pentru detoxifierea generala a organismului.
Sucul pur din planta de aloe este eficace impotriva microorganismelor, precum salmonella, streptococi, stafilococi, putind distruge si bacteria care cauzeaza ulcerul perforat.
Cautand in magazinele naturiste gel de aloe vera, mi s-au prezentat o groaza   de  produse pe baza de aloe vera, insa cam toate erau “produse CU aloe vera” .  In ce procent contineau acestea substanta pura … numai producatorii stiau ( dar tineau secret doar pentru ei) .
Asadar fiti foarte atente la prospecte.
Am ales un gel juice  cu 99.7 % aloe pura, care se pastreaza la frigider( cel din foto)  Momentan il folosesc doar intern, insa il am in vedere si pentru uz extern, atunci cand voi ramane doar cu tulpina plantelor mele bogate in frunze suculente.

Aloe vera din ghiveci, pentru ten

Acum vreo 3-4 ani, plantam incantata un puiut de aloe vera, cu gandul ca atunci cand va creste ii voi putea folosi frunzele sa-mi ingrijesc tenul.
Frunzele pot fi folosite abia dupa 2-3 ani de maturitate a plantei si gelul care se afla in interiorul frunzei are proprietati de calmare a  durerilor provocate de mușcăturile de insecte, ameliorare a acneei și a arsurilor cauzate de expunerea excesivă la soare, atenuare a ridurilor, vindecarea tăieturilor mici și zgârieturilor, grăbind procesul de regenerare a pielii.
Eu ii desfac cate o frunza din josul plantei pentru ca ele sunt mai dezvoltate, o despic pe jumatate si apoi mangai usor fata cu cate o parte, frunza lasandu-si gelul pe piele. Las 15-20 minute sa actioneze , dupa care clatesc.


In urma aplicarii gelul de aloe vera, tenul va fi mai hranit si se va regenera in mod vizibil.
Daca doriti sa va plantati si voi aloe vera, ghivecele mele sunt pline de puiuti pe care i-as dona cu placere.

sâmbătă, 7 martie 2015

Audi e-bike: A bicycle that runs at 80 kmph


Audi unveiled an extremely emotion-inspiring sports machine, the Audi e-bike Wörthersee at Wörthersee in Carinthia, Austria. The prototype cycle combines an electric drive and muscle power. Head of Design Wolfgang Egger comments: “As a high-performance e-bike for sports and trick cycling, it features the Audi core competences of design, ultra, e-tron and connect.” The Audi e-bike Wörthersee puts in its first major appearance at this year’s Wörthersee Tour, the 31st meet for Audi, VW, Seat and Skoda fans; trial biker Julien Dupont and downhill specialist Petra Bernhard will demonstrate their stunts and streetbike skills

Audi e-bike

he uncompromising dynamism of the bike prototype is fully visible at first sight. “When developing the Audi e-bike Wörthersee we drew on motor racing design principles for inspiration,” explains Hendrik Schaefers, one of the designers at Concept Design Studio Munich. “The e-bike appears incredibly precise, highly emotional and strictly functional. Indeed, the design effort focused on its function as a sports machine. All design elements are thus firmly aligned to the technical features.”
Audi e-bike

The airy frame boasts a low center of gravity and a compact overall volume. In this way, the e- bike is superbly agile at the sporty handling limits. The lithium-ion battery is incorporated into the frame and needs 2.5 hours to freuteully charge. On long trial tours, only a few simple steps are required to remove the battery and replace it with a charged one
Audi e-bike

The frame and the swinging arm that holds the back wheel are made of carbon fiber- reinforced polymer (CFRP). The same material is used for the 26” wheels, which feature an innovative “Audi ultra blade” design with broad flat spokes for an optimized transmission of pedal power. “We were able to demonstrate with the choice of materials just how closely design goes hand in hand with expertise in ultra lightweight construction,” Hendrik Schaefers comments.
Audi e-bike

Homogeneous LED light strips round out the frame and create the immediately recognizable Audi light signature. For extreme tricks and stunts the seat can be lowered to run flush with the frame itself. At the press of a button, the seat then rises up and the biker can adopt a comfortable position.
Audi e-bike

Cycling modes and countless other functions can be set using the touchscreen on-bike computer. The cyclist's smartphone hooks up by WLAN to the computer – when you start cycling, for example, the immobilizer is deactivated. Video images of the trial drive or of a trick, as recorded via the in-helmet camera, are uploaded to the Internet in real time via your smartphone.
Audi e-bike

Each trick performed successfully is then awarded success points, and as the number of points awarded grows, the cyclist receives awards and the challenge level rises, too. The rankings table in the Internet means you can measure yourself against other bikers and your friends. And where they happen to be comes to you via Facebook status reports that pop up on the Audi e-bike Wörthersee display
Audi e-bike

The cyclist can choose between a total of five cycling modes – pure muscle power, the electric motor alone, or pedaling supported by the electric motor. In the “Pure” mode, the drive power is purely the product of the cyclist’s legs, while in “Pedelec” mode you are supported by the electric motor that then makes speeds of up to 80 km/h (50 mph) possible and gives you a range of 50-70 kilometers (31-44 miles)
Audi e-bike

If you select “eGrip”, the Audi e-bike Wörthersee runs solely on the electric motor and can reach a top speed of 50 km/h (31 mph). The cyclist then controls forward momentum using a gripshift and can configure the power as desired using the computer.
Audi e-bike

When performing wheelies, an electronic control system supports the rider when performing tricks and back-wheel biking. Different modes can be set using a smartphone or directly on the e-bike – either “Power Wheelie” mode, with adjustable wheelie angle for less skilled bikers or “Balanced Wheelie” mode for sporting challenges
Audi e-bike

In "Balanced Wheelie" mode, the electronic control system maintains the rider’s balance, by compensating the biker’s movements forwards or backwards via the electric motor
Audi e-bike

This means the rider can influence the bike’s speed by shifting weight: if you lean forwards the bike picks up speed, and if you lean back it slows. You select “Training” mode if you want to keep your performance constant for training purposes
Audi e-bike

The electric motor is located at the lowest point on the frame and drives the bottom bracket shaft directly. The maximum torque delivered to the rear wheel is 250 Nm (184.39 lb-ft)
Audi e-bike

Audi e-bike

Audi e-bike
Audi e-bike

Audi e-bike

Audi e-bike

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